We design our projects in a way that causes the least intrusion in native forests or animal species existing in the area, avoiding —to the extent possible— any negative effect or, alternatively, mitigating and compensating them. Moreover, we ensure that our activities contribute to the long-term improvement of the environment and life quality of the communities.
Our environment
and Communities
Species Reforestation and Transplantation
Every time we cut down a forest for a project, we tender our commitment to CONAF for the reforestation of the same species.
We have reforested over 15 hectares with native species such as peumus boldus, soapbark and hawthorn. Several of our projects have implemented plans for the collection and transplantation of plant species of high biodiversity value.

Mobilization and Rescue
We conduct controlled disturbances of an area so that native animals can migrate naturally.
We carry out a rescue and relocation operation in cases where a mobilization cannot be conducted, due to the type of species or the conditions of the place, capturing the species and moving them to a safe place.
Orion Power complies with all national environmental standards for the correct relocation of species.

Outreach with municipalities
Local workforce is prioritized for the development and construction of each project. This last phase lasts between 4 to 5 months. The use of local services for accommodation, food and machinery rental is also prioritized.

Compensation of agricultural land
Among our compensations, we have conducted soil improvement for agricultural cultivation, set up drainage channels and networks, installed solar pumps, implemented green fences and reinforced bridges in different areas of Chile, such as Petorca, Santa Cruz, Pichidegua and Melipilla.

A sustainable future
for the planet
“Sustainable development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”
“Our common future”, United Nations, World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987