Renewable energy
for a better future

We implement competitive, innovative and profitable business models and processes that allow us to be an agent of change in our surroundings.
We want to build more and better renewable energy projects, taking advantage of the clean sources provided by nature. We wish to free our society from its dependence on fossil fuels and thus dispense with polluting sources that accelerate Climate Change.
At Orion Power, we contribute to the transformation of the energy mix with environmentally friendly projects.
Our commitments
We are a horizontal and accessible organization, under constant improvement. We believe that building excellence is a joint and daily endeavor, through our commitment to our customers, to each project’s communities, and to our workers, suppliers and investors. We are committed to protecting our planet.

To our customers
Trust is critical. We safeguard our clients investments and respond no matter what. We pledge integrity and transparency.
To our team
We are committed to the professional and human development of those who are part of the team. Their years at Orion Power will be the best of their career.
To our suppliers
We believe in long-term relationships. We are 100% committed to meeting the agreed deadlines and prices.
To our shareholders
We work to achieve the best possible profitability with a long-term vision and a world-quality team. We are committed to the proper use of resources and to generating value through our efficiency.
To society
We respect the law and its regulations. We commit to include communities in the design of our projects, from the moment of their inception. By 2024, we plan to create a foundation that promotes sustainability initiatives that have a social impact.
Our promises

Our history
Orion Power was born in 2013, when the photovoltaic industry was just beginning in Chile, with the dream of revolutionizing the Chilean energy industry through the development of efficient and environmentally friendly projects.
In 9 years, we have developed and built more than 25 photovoltaic projects that contribute with more than 170 MW of renewable energy to the energy grid. Our challenge is to continue on this path and to pioneer the addition of other energy sources and technologies to foster sustainable development.

Co-Fundador y Gerente General
Felipe Cosmelli

Co-Fundador y Gerente General
Ismael Mena

Socio Director
Luis Sota

Our team
Our history
Orion Power was born in 2013, when the photovoltaic industry was just beginning in Chile, with the dream of revolutionizing the Chilean energy industry through the development of efficient and environmentally friendly projects.
In 8 years we have developed and built more than 20 photovoltaic energy projects that contribute more than 100 MW of renewable energy to the matrix. Our challenge is to continue in this direction and be pioneers in the incorporation of other energy sources and technologies that allow us sustainable development.


Gerente de Ingeniería y Construcción
Daniel León

Gerente de Desarrollo
Gonzalo Navarro

Gerente de Administración y Finanzas
Elizabeth Morales

Gerente de O&M
Jesús Landeau

Subgerente de Ingeniería
Diego Moreno

Gerente de Infraestructura Hídrica
Jose Tomás Rodríguez

Subgerente de Operaciones
Sebastián Pinto

Project Manager
Mónica Torres

Encargado de Calidad
Andrés González

Ingeniero de Proyectos
Julián Spano

Encargado de Conexiones
Quelentaro Peralta

Dibujante Técnico
Carolina Lucero

Co-Founder and CEO
Felipe Cosmelli

Co-Founder and CEO
Ismael Mena

Partner and Board Member
Luis Sota

Engineering and Construction Manager
Daniel León

Development Manager
Gonzalo Navarro

Administration and Finance Manager
Elizabeth Morales

O&M Manager
Jesús Landeau

Engineering Deputy Manager
Diego Moreno

Water Infrastructure Manager
Jose Tomás Rodríguez

Operations Deputy Manager
Sebastián Pinto

Project Manager
Mónica Torres

Head of Quality Engineering Control
Andrés González

Project Engineer
Julián Spano

Interconnection Manager
Quelentaro Peralta

Technical Draftsman
Carolina Lucero